Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Hate Vista.

I hate Vista. I hate it. I think Microsoft should have a program that allows people to trade their Vista keys in for XP keys. My Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop came with Windows Vista Home Premium. I can honestly say that after using Vista for a month on this thing, there is nothing premium about it.

My laptop's basic specs are a Intel Pentium Dual Core T2330, (1.6ghz Core 2 architecture, not one of those older Core based Pentium Dual Core things [I mean chips]) 2.5 gb of RAM, a 160gb HD, DVD burner, etc.

It shouldn't really have any problems running Vista, right?


When I first received the machine, I quickly loaded the included Windows installation disc, formatted the hard drive, and reinstalled Vista. I tried to use the machine before doing this, but Dell loaded so much shit on the thing that getting anything done on the machine was impossible.

After doing a clean install of Vista, I booted the machine up, and the performance increased greatly. Still, compared to my older XP machines, the performance still sucked.

I turned Aero off. Aero is the biggest pile of shit on the planet. It looks like shit, doesn't add any functionality to the UI, and takes up a buttload of system resources.

I also went into Window services and turned off a wide variety of services I didn't need. I got rid of that horrible Windows sidebar, disabled a bunch of other crap, and eventually got the system running at a decent pace.

Things started to get ugly soon after, when I decided to start installing very basic software (well, what I believe to be basic, necessary software). I installed an NES emulator, Microsoft Office, JDK, and Nero.

Now, Internet Explorer 7 "Stops Working, And Windows Is Searching For A Solution", and I keep getting this #@#!ing COM Surrogate error every time I try to do something media related with the damn laptop. Not only that, but copying files under Vista has given me about the same experience as working with a Commodore 64 floppy disk drive; I select the files, hit Copy, and go outside and play basketball for twenty minutes while I wait for the files to be copied.

I hate Vista. I hate it. I wish Microsoft would just say "Hey guys! We made a mistake! Everyone who has Vista, and wants a copy of XP for $19.95, Go to for more details!"

But it won't happen. And that's one of the many reasons the feared tech sector juggernaut of the 1990's will slowly fade into obscurity in the upcoming decades.