Saturday, March 8, 2008

Touchscreen For eeePC

I was originally planning on purchasing a 7" touch screen kit off of eBay to install in my eeePC, but after careful analysis I have decided against it. While a touchscreen would be a nifty feature to have on the small eeePC, it's a novelty idea at best. Because the eeePC has a trackpad and a keyboard I doubt I would even bother using the touchscreen.

Another reason why I didn't attempt the project was because I didn't want to risk bricking (breaking) my $350 device. While it's true, a lot of people have successfully completed this 'hack', a quick search on reveals that a lot of people have also rendered their eeePC's useless.

The eeePC is a fragile device. People need to remember this. If you aren't an experienced solderer, then frankly you should stay away from attempting this mod. Also, keep in mind a lot of people have successfully installed a touchscreen in their eeePC, but ended up shorting out their eeePCs because the touchscreen wires came out of their soldering points and shorted the motherboard.

I'm not attempting this project because, 1. I don't really need a touchscreen, and 2. I don't want to risk damaging my eeePC.