If I run Windows Vista on my Pentium D 805 system with 1 gb of RAM, it reminds me of using OS X on a G4 system with 512 mb of RAM. In other words, it sucks ass. My Pentium D 805 system is rated a 2.3. This is because my 128 mb AGP 8X GeForce 6200.
For some unexplained reason, the Pentium D 805 scores a 4.6. This might not sound impressive, however as of now, Vista's rating system only goes up to 5.9. That means Vista thinks the Pentium D 805 is pretty 'tight'.
Where the hell does Vista come up with these numbers? I say it must just randomly pull numbers out of a virtual ass. I mean, a freaking 4.6? What the hell am I missing?
(I am using Windows Vista x64 btw)